Scroll down for some general advice about comparing poems. See this post here also plus all the individual posts for the various poems.
Practice Question: Compare how poets explore the importance of memory in Come on Come Back and one other poem from Conflict.
Practice Question: Compare how poets present people in danger in Out of the Blue and one other poem from Conflict.
Compare how poets discuss the idea of being manipulated in next to of course god America i and one other poem from Conflict.
TOP TIPS for comparing poems:
- Think which poems did we do at the same sort of time? They were taught in a deliberate order!
- Flag
- next to of course god America i
- Charge of the Light Brigade
- Bayonet Charge
- Out of the Blue
- Belfast Confetti
- Futility
- Falling Leaves
- Mametz Wood
- Poppies
- Come on Come Back
- The Yellow Palm
- The Right Word
- Hawk Roosting
Blue = patriotism
Orange = Experience of battle/conflict
Purple = Death/Nature
Green = Consequences of conflict
Pink = power
- Remember you can compare based on similarities/differences in:
- Technique used
- Topic (what is being described - a child, a solider fighting etc)
- Impact on the reader
- Author's message
- Use comparing/contrasting connectives to show whether you're discussing a similarity or a difference:
Comparing Connectives
Contrasting Connectives
In the same way
In addition
On the other hand
In a different way
In contrast
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