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Sunday, 9 February 2014

Independent Study Task: At the Border, 1979 - FOR USE IN CLASS ON TUES 03.02

These are instructions for class on Friday 14.02.14.
Use these resources to independently achieve these learning objectives:
  • To understand the feelings in the poem (in particular the difference between the children and adults). 
  • To identify and analyse the language and structural features of At the Border, 1979.

CRITICALLY ENGAGE with these resources, don't add notes to your anthology that you (a) don't understand or (b) don't agree with.  

1.  Start by reading the poem for yourself and then watching the bitesize video:

2. Use some READING resources to add notes as they are easier to first add to your anthology: 

3. Now watch some videos to add additional notes.  If the videos don't load up, then they are in the Shared area.  Year 10 English\MissRalston:  

4.  Demonstrate you have achieved your learning objectives by: 

(a) being ready for a quiz on the ideas, feelings and techniques present in the poem.  

(b) writing a PEA-conn-PEA to any of these essays question:

  • Compare how poets portray the consequences of conflict in 'At the Border, 1979' and one other poem from Conflict. 
  • Compare how poets present feelings in 'At the Border, 1979" and one other poem from Conflict. 
  • Compare the methods poets use to present memory in 'At the Border, 1979" and one other poem from Conflict.  

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