Your AIC practice exam has been delayed by 1 week to next Friday 7th March.
Use this time to ensure you have REVISED.
Use this time to ensure you have REVISED.
The past paper questions (4 based on Priestley's techniques) are on the powerpoint below on slide 6.
Make sure for EACH question you have:
(a) thought about it
(b) picked your 6 quotes (folded over pages is fine)
EXT: Write up some practice PEAs and bring them in for me to mark!
Make sure for EACH question you have:
(a) thought about it
(b) picked your 6 quotes (folded over pages is fine)
EXT: Write up some practice PEAs and bring them in for me to mark!
This is a great video which helps you revise for the first past paper question on slide 6 (About the Stage Directions at the start of Act 1):
This is a good video to help with the 4th past paper question (on slide 6) about the key theme of RESPONSIBILITY.