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Saturday, 29 March 2014

Books are boring...aren't they?

If you don't think you can ever think of a good book to read, then try this flow-chart.  It covers MODERN books, lots of which have teenagers as their main characters and across all different genres from mystery to romance to crime.   Click here to go to the flow chart in detail:  

Monday, 24 March 2014

Revision Guides

Don't forget that we're selling revision guides for £2 (they're £5+ in the shops) so you can be independent, proactive students!

Remember, the ideas in these books do not REPLACE your ideas.  They are not superior to your ideas either. They are simply another interpretation. 

Limited stocks - so ask me ASAP for them!


Sunday, 16 March 2014

Another AMAZING Blog discovery

Just discovered this blog:

Mr Gray's Blog

and it is AWESOME for conflict poetry (including podcast responses to FAQ) and videos that teach you on ALL poems (so especially good if you've missed any poetry lessons) and also has some stuff on OMAM. 

Please use these resources!!

Thursday, 13 March 2014

IGCSE Practice Exam - delayed until Monday 17.03

Hi 11m1,

As you will know from your schedule there was supposed to be an IGCSE exam tomorrow after school (Fri 14th March) but because of Mr Morrow's leaving do it's being rearranged for next week.

So that you:

(a) don't have to do it after school


(b) because Monday period 5 and 6 is a cover lesson (and therefore you wouldn't have the "benefit" of me being there anyway, 

I propose (and Chianna, Rashea, Johan, Brandon, Carl, Lauren, Bella, Cole agreed - they were those I could find in MFL to discuss this plan!) you do the mock on Monday in class.

It will be:

Q3 (b) 

in 100 minutes. 

You need to be LEADERS and make sure that regardless of who is doing the cover lesson, you sit and you do the exam paper to the best of your ability!!

I will make sure that those people who sat the previous Q1 practice last week have their papers and targets so they can ensure that they improve on them now. 

Sunday, 9 March 2014

Just found: great literature website!

Hi all,

I just found another great blog put together by a school (Wildern).  
It's got pages on:

  • AIC
  • OMAM
  • DNA (if you are in 11saturn or 11mercury 2)
  • Conflict Poetry.

It's full of really interesting articles and videos, particularly for tackling the CONTEXT of the texts.  Although I haven't explored it fully - so there will be other gems on there too. 

Wildern English Blog  (view it from explorer - not chrome and you'll be able to see all the embedded powerpoints etc).  

Tuesday, 4 March 2014

The 5 minute PEA!

You want to be strategic about what to revise?

You don't think you have much time to dedicate to English revision?

Want to focus on ONE skill that will help you across both Language and Literature exams?

Then it's the 5-minute PEA. 

Why and how will this be helpful?

AIC: 45 mins
15 mins to plan
30 mins to write (6 PEA = 5 min PEA)
OMAM: 45 mins
15 mins to plan
30 mins to write (6 PEA = 5 min PEA)
Poetry: 45 mins
15 mins to plan
30 mins to write (3 PEA-conn-PEA = 5 min PEA)
Unseen Poetry: 30 mins
15 mins to read and annotate
15mins to write (3 PEA = 5 min PEA)
Q2 (Lang): 25 mins
5 mins to re-read paras + pick quotes (if not done already)
20 mins to write (4 PEA = 5 min PEA

So, during the advert break in The Voice - do a 5 minute PEA. 

During half-time, try to do 3 PEAs.  

You need to train your brain and hand to cope with this speed - remember, everyone gets sore hands in English exams!!

Practicing Unseen Poetry

As you know, the best way to build your confidence at doing unseen poetry is to respond to unseen poetry!

Remember that you should always read the question first because it gives you a clue/a hook into what the poem is about in the first place!

Try these ones:

What kind of personality has McGough given the moon?  What techniques are being used to create this personality?

Mrs Moon  - Roger McGough

Mrs Moon
sitting up in the sky
little old lady
with a ball of fading light
and silvery needles
knitting the night. 

How does the poet convey  the feeling of sadness and grief?  What techniques are used to present this? 

Stop all the Clocks – W.H Auden

Stop all the clocks, cut off the telephone,
Prevent the dog from barking with a juicy bone,
Silence the pianos and with muffled drum
Bring out the coffin, let the mourners come.

Let aeroplanes circle moaning overhead
Scribbling on the sky the message He Is Dead,
Put crepe bows round the white necks of the public doves,
Let the traffic policemen wear black cotton gloves.

He was my North, my South, my East and West,
My working week and my Sunday rest,
My noon, my midnight, my talk, my song;
I thought that love would last for ever: I was wrong.

The stars are not wanted now: put out every one;
Pack up the moon and dismantle the sun;
Pour away the ocean and sweep up the wood.
For nothing now can ever come to any good.

Use this link to go to a booklet with TWENTY-EIGHT unseen poems + practice questions.  

Don't forget I'll happily mark anything you want looked at!