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Thursday 21 May 2015

Last night of poetry revision

How WE can revise tonight: 

1.  Go onto google and search for poems by one of the 15 unseen poets.

2.  Draw up practice planning grids in 15 minutes, use these essay questions.  

                            NAMED POEM                               CHOSEN POEM
SIM 1 

SIM 2 

  • Compare the methods poets use to portray different points of view in Hawk Roosting and one other poem. 
  • Compare the techniques the poet uses to show emotions in Futility and one other poem. 
  • Compare the different effects of war that are portrayed in Come on Come Back and one other poem. 
  • Compare the ways that poets show people to be vulnerable in Come on Come Back and one other poem. 
  • Compare the ways that conflict can affect your memory in Poppies and one other poem. 
  • Compare the ways that war can affect communities in The Yellow Palm and one other poem.  
  • Compare the ways the poets portray patriotism in next to of course god america i and one other poem. 
  • Compare the devices the poets uses in The Right Word to display terrorism and one other poem. 
  • Compare the methods used to show emotions in At the Border, 1979 and one other poem. 
  • Compare how poets show love for your country in Charge of the Light Brigade and one other poem. 
  • Compare the ways poets use nature in Hawk Roosting and one other poem. 
3.  Set a timer for 10 minutes and write up a PEA-conn-PEA. 

This is an example paragraph:
Tennyson shows that patriotism can lead to a violent death when he writes that the soldiers were storm’d at with shot and shell”  This  alliteration suggests that the Russian forces were overwhelming.  The words “shell” imply that they have superior weapons as the light brigade only have swords.  Also, the word “storm’d” has connotations of a thunder storm which may represent the loud explosions.   Similarly Cummings shows that patriotism leads to death with the quote “rushed like lions to the roaring slaughter”  this simile makes the reader think that the soldiers were eager to die in order to prove that they are brave like “lions.”  Another similarity is the word “roaring” which like Charge of the Light Brigade indicates the noise and chaos of the battle field.  

4.  Get someone to quiz you by asking you these questions:
  • What is the poem _________ about?
  • Does the  poem____________  relate back to the poet?
  • What other poems does ___________ link to?
5. Go to youtube and watch videos! J Brierley is great.  

6. Practice highlighting key words in questions and deciding which other poem would go with it.  


Sunday 22 March 2015

Year 11 Blog Revision Tasks for Mon 23rd March

IF you have finished your Shakespeare work then.

Complete your choice of the following tasks.  All are important revision for your language AND literature exams. 

1. Look through your poetry anthology. If you have ANY blank (or almost blank) poems in the Conflict cluster then use the SEARCH  panel above or look in the post archives (Feb and March 2014) -->  to complete.  There are the Whitworth revision guides in our shared area (Shared/Year 10 English/Poetry) that will also help.  We have finished all poems in class.  

2. If you have notes on ALL poems then I would recommend using Dr McCarthy's blog for a different perspective to add notes.  

3. Go to IGCSE past paper folder and access these past papers and do Q3 (a) ONLY:  

4. Use the time to complete any An Inspector Calls/Of Mice and Men brainstorms that you didn't do in February half-term.  These are ALWAYS going to be essential revision. 

5. Follow other useful revision tips and ideas from various posts on this site!  

Tuesday 24 February 2015

Year 11 Lit Mock Feb 25th 2015

Dear Year 11

Remember you need to revise:

*Sheila/Gerald/Eric - click to go to the AIC blog post.
*Candy/Crooks/Curley's Wife - click to go to the OMAM blog post.  

90 minutes = 2 x 45 minute essays. 

15 minutes planning and finding quotes. 
30 minutes writing up 6 PEA. 

Don't forget for OMAM that the examiner wants you include CONTEXT - how do the quotes show what life and attitudes were like in 1930s America?

It is ESSENTIAL that you know your targets.  Make sure you know which targets you were set from your December mock. 

Thursday 12 February 2015

Year 11 Revision Tasks for Feb 2015 Half-Term

Hi Year 11,

On Wednesday 26th of February you will do your second complete Exploring Modern Texts mock.  

The first one you did in December (Inspector Goole and an extract about Curley/Lennie).  

You did well - now it is time to revisit and deepen. 

LOADS of extra help, videos, brainstorms, key quotes are on the individual blog posts for Of Mice and Men and An Inspector Calls. 


1. For ERIC, SHEILA and GERALD complete the brainstorming sheet given today in class. Another copy to print is here.   You can use this electronic copy of AIC to find quotations. 

2.  For CANDY, CROOKS AND CURLEY'S WIFE complete the brainstorming sheet given today in class.  Another copy to print is here.  You can use this electronic copy of OMAM to find quotations. 

3. I have given you a past paper. 

Quick revision - Planning for AIC
(a) Decide which essay Q you want to answer - highlight key words.  
(b) Set a timer for 15 minutes
(b) Write your 6 quotations down. 

Stretch revision - Writing up AIC
(a) Set a timer for 30 minutes
(b) Write up your 6 PEA paragraphs

Quick revision - Planning for OMAM
(a) Read the essay Q and highlight key words
(b) Set a timer for 15 minutes 
(c) Read the extract and decide which 3-4 quotes you're going to analyse for Part A
(d) Decide which 2-3 other quotes from the whole novel you're going to use for Part B

Stretch Revision - Writing up OMAM
(a) Set a timer for 30 minutes
(b) Write up your 6 PEA paragraphs. 

I'll be checking emails frequently, so do get in touch if you need some help! (or your English teacher obviously, if you're not in my class! ) 

Tuesday 6 January 2015

Year 11 ICT Lesson - Tuesday 6th Jan - Period 5/6

Dear Year 11,

I'm sorry that I'm not here today. Use the time to be PRODUCTIVE and make progress on:

1. Your Shakespeare coursework. Email it to me.  

2. Use this blog to help you add notes to any of the poems we've done so far that you've got FULL ANNOTATED poems:

If you go to shared/Year 10 English/Miss Ralston you will find REVISION guides which are AWESOME for all the above poems and videos for Poppies. 

There are also copies of videos to watch on Poppies, if you can't access them via the blog/youtube.